A soap bubble lands on the frosty ground and creates a shimmering snow globe as crystals form around it. Pictured under the winter sun, the bubbles glow as sunlight bounces off their surface. Photographer Hope Thurston Carter captured the images after blowing the soap bubbles on several freezing days in Michigan. The 52-year-old, of Martin, Michigan, says: 'I got the idea to blow bubbles outside in the winter after I saw several similar photos on the internet.
Going for long rides through vast fields together, this twosome share an unbreakable bond.
At first glance what might look like ordinary rusty bridge and road railings, are in fact amazing works of art.
FROM MRS Patmore to Lady Sybil, these barking mad illustrations show the WOOF-er side of some of our most loved Downton characters.
MEET the underwater British seal who is so friendly he loves to grapple divers like a friendly puppy dog.
A pair of adorable polar bear cubs play-fight with each other in the Alaskan snow.
Sam Notaro built his own flood defences to protect his four-bedroom home in Moorland, Somerset Flooding is likely to get worse around Somerset as groundwater levels continue to rise.
STRETCHING his little legs in the air, a smiley leaf-tailed gecko breaks free from his old, scaly skin.
SURROUNDED by a snowstorm, these young polar bears battle the elements - as well as each other.
A SPECTACULAR array of stars fills the night sky as they soar over this active volcano.
Jostling their quills into the noses of some unlucky cubs, this is the moment two feisty porcupines ALMOST defeat a pride of seven lions.
The aurora lights captured in Blair Nebraska, America - WITH electrifying purple and illuminous green brightening up the night sky, this is the rare moment a flash of 'sprite' lightening was captured on camera.