A soldier who lost both legs and an arm in Afghanistan has found love with a blonde bombshell he met through his newfound passion for rally driving. Tom Neathway, 29, met stunning Rachael Patterson while raising funds for the Dakar Rally which he hopes to take on in the new year with a team of fellow injured servicemen. Tom says he was "dumbstruck" by the 24-year-old promo girl and rally driver from Bristol after she offered to shake some buckets for the Race 2 Recovery team's forthcoming mammoth challenge in August. Mum Julie Tuckley, 37, from Walsall, West Mids., said: "Tommy has been through more in his short time on this earth than anyone can imagine, but he's still a smiling, happy little boy. "Every little thing he does makes me proud to be his mum. He never once stopped fighting, all the doctors in hospital called him 'the miracle boy'.
NOT YOUR everyday selfie, this plucky diver poses with some of the scariest predators in the ocean.
While often referred to as the kings of the jungle, gorillas - for all their might - are notorious hydrophobes.
FLYING through the air, these delighted pooches pull their best poses mid-flight.
A scorned woman sparked a punch-up in an airport after she caught her copper boyfriend returning from a romantic holiday with a female police officer.
A world's first restaurant has opened in Canada, where having your order fall on deaf ears is a good thing.
Aged 27, I was swept off my feet by my gorgeous husband, Lee, now 42.
MEET the little lion of suburbia with a mane that makes him look like a mini-king of the jungle.
A mum-of-two, who was scarred for life in a brutal attack at the hands of her ex-boyfriend, is now urging others to leave their abusive partners.
STOOD side by side next to a busy road, these buildings were once bustling with life.
Recovering from a rare form of breast cancer, Deborah Barnett, 43, of Stoke-on-Trent, thought she'd made it through the worst, but she was betrayed by former colleague Sandra Ramsay, of Mow Cop Road, Mow Cop, Stoke-on-Trent.
On June 23, 2017, Coral Denakis, now 27, woke up on the morning of her wedding day to find a car on fire outside her hotel.